Our workbook will guide you in identifying how you are currently parenting, clarifying your strengths and areas to adjust to fit the Authoritative model. It will guide you in implementing and practicing the skills.
parenting Assessment
Would you like to learn how your current parenting practices fit the Authoritative approach? This brief assessment will only take you a few minutes and give you a good idea of your current parenting
Online courses
Want to learn the model with detail? Our online courses will guide you with detail how to develop your parenting. Don't have a lot of time? Want a quick overview? If so our
Since 1993
Move From Surviving to Thriving
Parenting is extremely challenging for all of us and the stakes are extremely high! The future of our children.
Fortunately, we have over 40 years of research that can guide us in What Works in parenting.
Unfortunately, many parents are unaware of this information and many current trends in parenting are not based in the science and even contradict the science!
We aim to remedy this. We provide the tools to help you identify how you are currently parenting and

Next Steps...
The tool we provide will take you through a process of identifying how you are currently parenting and then guide you in implementing the proven approach.